$code){ $pubDateArr = get_tag_contents($code,"pubDate"); $titleArr = get_tag_contents($code,"title"); $linkArr = get_tag_contents($code,"link"); $descriptionArr = get_tag_contents($code,"description"); print("

pubDate = ".$pubDateArr[0]."
"); print("title = ".$titleArr[0]."
"); print("link = ".$linkArr[0]."
"); print("description = ".$descriptionArr[0]."

"); } function get_tag_contents($xmlcode,$tag) { $i=0; $offset=0; $xmlcode = trim($xmlcode); do{ #Step through each ocurrence of <$tag>... in the XML #find the next start tag $start_tag=strpos ($xmlcode,"<".$tag.">",$offset); $offset = $start_tag; #find the closing tag for the start tag you just found $end_tag=strpos ($xmlcode,"",$offset); $offset = $end_tag; #split off <$tag>... as a string, leaving the $our_tag = substr ($xmlcode,$start_tag,($end_tag-$start_tag)); $start_tag_length = strlen("<".$tag.">"); if (substr($our_tag,0,$start_tag_length)=="<".$tag.">"){ #strip off stray start tags from the beginning $our_tag = substr ($our_tag,$start_tag_length); } $array_of_tags[$i] =$our_tag; $i++; }while(!(strpos($xmlcode,"<".$tag.">",$offset)===false)); return $array_of_tags; } ?>