/* XPM */ static char *warhouse[]={ /*
warhouse*/ " This is the warhouse. From its basement issues a", "tplume of petrochemically induced fire, and from ", " its nose cone, a horde of death. Its colorful ", "emarkings should not be miwwWwstaken, it is a hous", " of killing and renderingwWWWWwuseless and damned.", " It is filled with the laWWWWWwtest products and ", "yadorned with the populwWWW WWwar news. Money one", "dseeps from the edgeswWWW WWw of its o-rings an", " though few who are wWWW WWwpaid to monitorre", " its flight are conwWWW WWW cerned by small ", "elosses. The lumberWWW WWwing flight of th", " the warhouse mustWWW WWW not be interrup", " ted, as it speedWWW WWw through the ", " night sky. ThiswWW WWWw sortie has a ", " 70 % approval wWW WWw rating, at ", " least at homewWW WWW The rest of ", " the subdivisiWW WWwon is busy ", " carting thewWW Ww kids to play", " soccer someWWW WWwhere the war", " house won'tWWa aw land. It's ", " filled witWWWw wwshards of ", " steel thatWaawwww wwww are burst ", " in a radiusaaaawww wwwww of several ", "nfootball a aaaaawww wwwwaa pitches,whe", " leaving ana a aaaaawwwwwww wwwwwwaaaa inestimable", " foundationaa aaaawwwwwwwwwwaaaaaa of anguish,", " loss, and aa aaaaaaawwaaa aa pain--to ", "rsay nothinaa aaaaaaa aa of hatred.e", " aaa aa ", " aaa aa ", " aaw aa ", " aa aa ", " aa a ", " aw aaa ", " aaw aa ", " aa a ", " raa aa ", " rrraw aar ", " rr raww r aarr ", " rr raaw rrr aaarr ", " rr rraaa rrr aaarr ", " rrrrrraaaa rrr aaarrr ", " rrrrrrrraaaa rr aaaarrrrr ", " r rrrrrr raaaa rrr aaararrrrr ", " rrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaa rrr aaaaaarrrrrrrr ", " rrrrrrrrrr aaaaaarrraaaaaaaa rrrrrrr ", " rrrrrrr aaaarrrraaaaa rrrrrr ", " rrrrr Wrrrr rrrrrr ", " rrrr WWrrr rrrrr ", " r rrrr ", }; /*