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Q. I've saved but when I view the PDF file it says "File is damaged and cannot be viewed." Why?

A. There is a bug that occurs when rectangles are drawn that have no width or height. This bug appears to be fixed. If this problem occurs for you, please report it here. Notes about your browser version and operating system are usually helpful. Thanks.

Q. There's a bug that makes the software malfunction. Why?

A. Paradoxically it's your fault because you haven't reported it yet. Please report all bugs you encounter by describing them here. Notes about your browser version and operating system are usually helpful. Thanks.

Q. When I change the font size, the text size stays the same. Why?

A. When you use the Move tool to reshape a text item, it is converted to contours so that it can be stretched. From that point on, you need to resize it with the Move tool rather than using the numerical font size to change its scale.

Q. How can I connect if I see "Off line" and "Disconnected" messages?

A. If you are viewing the website from behind a firewall, you may be out of luck. The Imprimatur... software uses port 3333 to send and receive data with a dedicated server program. Future versions may address this problem.

Q. Is the source code for this software in the public domain? Can I steal it and make money or pass it off as my own work?

A. The artist has been giving away source code for years and intends to continue doing so. However, with this project there is a new approach to the release of the source code. The new policy seeks to challenge philanthropists, museums, governments, and foundations to support innovative new work in the medium of software. Therefore the source code will be released after the first check for the artist's next commission arrives. This still does not constitute a viable business model, but at least it may highlight the funding challenges faced by artists working primarily with Internet media. Please support innovative work that is non-commercial and free. The release of the Java source code for Imprimatur was contingent upon receipt of a subsequent commission. DUE TO THE COMMISSION SCREENING CIRCLE (2006), THE IMPRIMATUR SOURCE CODE IS NOW ACCESSIBLE HERE:VIEW SOURCE

Q. Why are there only three fonts?

A. These are the fonts that Adobe established as default fonts. Acrobat viewers for each operating system platform have automatic support for these fonts. It is possible to embed fonts in PDF files, but I avoided this because the free version of the library I'm using to write the PDF files didn't support font embedding.

Q. Is there some way to kern the letters?

A. The letter spacing leaves much to be desired, it's true. At this time, the only solution is to use separate layers to divide areas that are too tight, using the move tool (and the arrow keys) to nudge things into place. This is something that could conceivably be added in a later version.

© A. Deck · Last modified May 13, 2008, at 07:23 PM